About Me

We are the Jenkins family. Our home is filled with busy days, fun and lots of love! We have Carlie (5) and Garrett (4) plus Mom and Dad (30-something). We love summer days, vacation, bike rides and the Christmas season.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Where did the summer go?

Well, its labor day weekend and I am sitting here thinking that halloween is right around the corner! I love the holidays but I don't like the weather trending toward cold, it depresses me dang it! We have had a busy summer however. We did manage to go to Disneyland, camping in the Uintas, Yellowstone and will be going to Jackson next weekend. So I guess the old saying about how time flies when you're having fun is true. Carlie our oldest had a big milestone on monday! My baby started kindergarten this week and is loving it!


  1. Yeah!!!! I'm glad you're blogging. You did have a fun summer. It was fun to hang out this weekend. Talk to you later.

    P.S. I like the new look

  2. That is a really cute pic of the fam at Disneyland. I want to go back very soon! It was way fun hanging out with you guys this weekend.

  3. Good for Carlie...I know it kinda sucks for you but think of how exciting it is for her. Way to go!! By the way last weekend was fun except for the drama!!
